
Studying and Working Abroad:Why You Should Do It

It has been now three years since I have left home, right after high school, to start my experience abroad. I went to two different universities in the UK and Denmark and I am now interning a Chinese company in Beijing for the next three months and I am surely planning to keep going.  Here are the main reasons why you should also go abroad without hesitation.

1- It’s NOT as expansive as you think

Do your research. There are many deals and opportunities out there that will save you a lot of money. To give you few examples from my own experience, I’ve found out searching the internet that the Scottish government was paying for the universities’ tuition fees of every student from the EU which led me to enroll in one of them for free. When I did my exchange year in Copenhagen, I was receiving 300 euros a month from the Erasmus program and had no tuitions fees to pay. Another great example is the Chinese government who offer scholarshipshttps://plus.google.com/116009838788976199635/posts/93s1UeApm7v to foreign students coming to China and cover their tuition fees as well as all other expenses including rent but also pay them extra money each month!

2- It makes your CV looks great 

Nowadays, the job market is so competitive that you have to distinguish yourself from the rest in order to catch the attention of potential employers and experiences abroad are a critical asset for this matter. As a rule of thumb, the younger you leave and the further away you go from home the more valuable you become to them.

3- You will learn English no matter what… 

When going abroad as you meet other foreigners or locals, you will find yourself speaking and hearing English everywhere. You will then be inevitably learning it faster than you ever did at school and you’ll realize how important this language can be.

 4-…and other extremely valuable skills for the future

Going abroad definitely gets you out of your comfort zone as you’ll have to adapt to new cultures, make new friends, and do things by yourself. It might be hard, especially at the beginning but in return you’ll become independent, flexible and a proactive thinker.

To quickly sum it up, these three past years have been the most interesting one of my life where I had learn and had fun the most and that is why I would advise to anyone without exception to go for it 

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  1. Studying and Working Abroad:Why You Should Do It? The world is so big that I want to take a look.
